HORMIGON employees participate in training of the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE)

  • Post category:Todos

HORMIGON employees participated in the Forensic Analysis of Schedule Training conducted by the Brazilian section of the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE), on August 02 and 03, 2018, in São Paulo / SP.

The training was given by Jonh Livengood, former president of AACE International and co-author of Recommended Practice 29R-03, a methodology that is a reference in the subject and worldwide recognized.

The main forensic methodologies used to develop and evaluate scheduling delays were discussed, their advantages and disadvantages, benefits, challenges and when they should be applied.

HORMIGON engineers and analysts were able to further deepen their knowledge on the subject by studying real cases of application of the methods covered and discussing with one of the world’s leading experts on the subject.