Hormigon promotes preparatory course to obtain CCP certificate to its collaborators

  • Post category:Todos

In the rhythm of the internationalization of the engineering market, company offered to the important team course on cost analysis.

The strong pace of internationalization in the engineering market, together with the entry of foreign groups in the country, determine the need for the professionalization of this sector, as well as the standardization of practices in the country.

Thus, in view of the growing market demand and the consequent search for a recognized standard, on August 23 and 24, HORMIGON offered a preparatory course to its employees who meet the requirements to obtain Certified Cost Professional certification Certificate) by the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE). The course’s instructor was Eng. Aldo Mattos, consultant in management of engineering and construction projects in Brazil and abroad and former president of the Brazilian AACE section.

The CCP Certification is granted to professionals who have a high standard of knowledge and demonstrated experience in managing and controlling costs in the planning, execution and management of any project or organizational program.

HORMIGON invests in its human working capital knowing that it shares the gains of this application.